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New insight into social and political empowerment of women in rural local governance (Panchayati Raj) in India: Issues and challenges

Tiwari, Nupur (2013) New insight into social and political empowerment of women in rural local governance (Panchayati Raj) in India: Issues and challenges. In: International Conference on Asean Women (ICAW2013), 10th-12th December 2013, Bandung, Indonesia.

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There can be no greater evidence for the fact that not only has Panchayati Raj attracted women to politics in large numbers, but also that this wish to contest for elections seems to be most keenly felt among the women belonging to the SCs and STs. Approximately 85.8 per cent of all representatives surveyed were first-timers in the Panchayats, while 14.3 per cent had been elected for a second or third term That reservation has been critical to the representation of disadvantaged groups is confirmed by the fact that 88 per cent of them were elected on reserved seats.By contesting and getting elected to Panchayati Raj Institutions, women have shattered the saga of their own submissiveness - that women are not willing to enter politics.For women, successful grassroots experience has meant a chance to form eloquent voice, to be heard and to make a difference in their communities However, women’s representation in the decision-making positions with monitoring power is still negligible.The present rules of the game and decision-making procedure do not allow a greater participation of women and in the absence of women, there is no effort to recognize or change the game.The very absence of women at these levels thus leads to preservation and reinforcement of male-oriented and male benefiting types of decisions.Women’s low self-esteem at the household level and their new role in local politics where they are now expected to function as leader creates a contradiction between women’s role at home and in local government.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: E-ISBN: 978-967-111113-4-5 Organized By: Northern Corridor Research Centre, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Pusat Studi Wanita Universiti Islam Bandung & School Of Government Universiti Utara Malaysia
Uncontrolled Keywords: Women Empowerment, Reservation, Participation, Inclusion, Illusion
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
Divisions: Northern Corridor Research Centre
Depositing User: Mrs. Norazmilah Yaakub
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2016 07:32
Last Modified: 11 Aug 2016 07:32

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