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Phewchean, Nattakorn and Costa, Renato and Misiran, Masnita and Lenbury, Yongwimon (2020) Alternative Methods to Derive the Black-Scholes-Merton Equation. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14. pp. 821-825. ISSN 1998-4464
Phewchean, Nattakorn and Costa, Renato and Misiran, Masnita and Lenbury, Yongwimon (2020) Alternative methods to Derive the Black-Scholes-Merton Equation. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14. pp. 821-825. ISSN 1998-4464 (Unpublished)
Arunsingkarat, Somphorn and Costa, Renato and Misiran, Masnita and Phewchean, Nattakorn (2021) Option Pricing Under GARCH Models Applied to the SET50 Index of Thailand. WSEAS Transactions On Mathematics, 20. pp. 112-121. ISSN 2224-2880