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Number of items: 39.

Yusof, Mohar (2010) Academic entrepreneurship in research universities: An organizational perspective. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), , pp. 40-54. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Nik Mat, Nik Kamariah and Marangkun, Weerawan (2010) Brand equity of handicraft SME in Thailand. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 178-188. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

A. Rahman, Badruddin (2010) Dilemma of new entrepreneurs in fund-raising strategies. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 284-296. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mohamad, Armanurah and Abdullah, Rohani and Amir, Abdul Razak (2010) Employers' perception towards potential career opportunities among graduates of the Master of Science Technopreneurship Program. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 29-39. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Nayan, Sabri and Chik, Abdul Razak (2010) Endogeneity of money supply: Evidence from Malaysia. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 258-272. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Amir, Abdul Razak and Abdullah, Syahrina and Mohamad, Armanurah (2010) Entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduates: Case of UiTM's students. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 70-82. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Md Isa, Filzah and Othman, Siti Norezam and Mohd Nor, Nor Azila and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Salahuddin, Norkhazzaina (2010) Entrepreneurs in rural areas: Challenges and opportunities. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 83-91. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mohd Nor, Leilanie and Yusof, Mohar and Amat Sapuan, Dewi and Xavier, Siri Roland (2010) Entrepreneurship development in Malaysia: Based on the findings of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2009. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 208-220. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mohd Shariff, Mohd Noor and Abdul Latief, Donny (2010) Faktor budaya kepada kejayaan kerjaya keusahawanan di Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 227-246. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Elham, Faisol (1999) Institutional shareholdings and financial characteristics of Malaysian listed companies. Malaysian Management Journal, 3 (1). pp. 39-49. ISSN 0128-6226

Abu Bakar, Muhamad Shahbani and Ta'a, Azman and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Shiratuddin, Norshuhada (2011) Intelligent profile analysis graduate entrepreneur (iPage) system using business intelligence technology. In: 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI 2011), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung, Indonesia.

Abdul Rahman, Azhar and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Mohd Nasir, Mohd Herry (2010) Islamic norms for stock screening A comparison between the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Islamic Index and the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 3 (3). pp. 228-240. ISSN 1753-8394

Buang, Nor Aishah and Raduan, Ismail and Hashim, Norashidah (2010) Keperluan pendidikan keusahawanan secara formal di institusi pengajian tinggi awam di Malaysia. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 108-115. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mahat, Nor Idayu and Chik, Abdul Razak and Hassan, Shahizan and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Lim, Khong Chiu (2009) Measuring student performance in job market through industrial training: A study at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The International Journal of Learning, 16 (10). pp. 569-582. ISSN 1447-9494

Zabar, Rohafiz (2010) New initiative of commercial activities: The passengers preferences towards the availability of provision commercial facilities at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Malaysia. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 247-257. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Hassan, Shahizan and Wan Ishak, Wan Hussain and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Chik, Abdul Razak (2007) Online practicum student placement (OPSP). In: Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), 29-31 March 2007, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Ab. Latif, Abdul Aziz (2010) Opportunities for cross border entrepreneurship education in ASEAN region. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), p. 28. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Lim, Khong Chiu and Mahat, Nor Idayu and Hassan, Shahizan and Chik, Abdul Razak and Yahya, Mohd Azlan (2010) Penilaian terhadap prestasi pelajar dan pengurusan program praktikum Universiti Utara Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, 7. pp. 133-164. ISSN 2180-2483

Mohd Ariff, Arifatul Husna and Bidin, Zainol and Sharif, Zakiyah and Ahmad, Adura (2010) Predicting entrepreneurial intention: A comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 138-145. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mohd Yusoff, Abd Razak and Jamaludin, Azhari (2010) Promoting entrepreneurship through franchising: Visiting the process to franchising a business and the process to purchase a franchise, and the factors contributing to the success and failure of franchise business. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 116-125. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Mokhtar, Rozita and Othman, Ahmad and Zainuddin, Yuserrie (2010) Psychological characteristics and entrepreneurial intention among Polytechnic students in Malaysia: A theory of planned behavior approach. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 55-69. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Abdul Hamid, Ibrahim (2010) Scope for entrepreneurship networking: The case of travel and tourism trade in ASEAN region. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 92-98. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Hashim, Norashidah and Othman, Norazizah and Abdullah, Syahrina (2010) Spiritual entrepreneurship: Beyond self actualization. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 126-137. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Hassan, Shahizan and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Wan Ishak, Wan Hussain and Chik, Abdul Razak (2007) Student-organization matching system for practicum placement. In: Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa 2007 (PECIPTA 2007), 10-12 August 2007, KLCC. (Unpublished)

Kadir, Norsiah and Abdullah, Mat Saad (2010) Tourism and economic growth in Malaysia: Evidence from multivariate causality tests. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 1-9. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

A. Rahman, Badruddin and Mohd Shariff, Mohd Noor (2010) Why do some entrepreneurs succeed and others failed? The Timmons framework. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 273-283. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Abd Aziz, Sumaiyah and Mahmood, Rosli (2010) The antecedents of a business model design for entrepreneurs. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 202-207. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Nik Mat, Nik Kamariah and Phatthana, Wanlapha (2010) The application of technology acceptance model 2 (TAM 2) on health tourism purchase intention in Thailand. In: The Fisrt Seminar on: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education". Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi, pp. 146-159. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Md Hussain, Md Hairi (2006) A correlation between performance and graphic presentation in unit trust's annual report. In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Pengurusan Awam, 11-13 December 2006, Holiday Villa Hotel, Alor Setar, Kedah.

Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Md Hussain, Md Hairi and Yahya, Mohd Azlan (2005) A correlation between performance and graphic presentation in unit trust’s annual report. Project Report. Faculty of Accountancy, Sintok. (Unpublished)

Kamarudin, Ahmad Farid and Mohd Kassim, Abdul Wahid and Hassan, Mohamad Ghozali (2010) The dynamism of Malaysian furniture industry. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 297-305. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Abdullah, Syahida (2010) A framework for the current state of understanding of technology entrepreneurship. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 221-226. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Iskandarini, , and Nasution, Harmein (2010) The impact of entrepreneurial education towards entrepreneurial career intention through entrepreneurial barriers in higher education institution. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Entrepreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 15-27. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Ahmad, Rozila and Scott, Noel and Solnet, David (2010) The practise of strategic compensation in Malaysian five-star beach resort hotels. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 167-177. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

Praptapa, Agung and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Sawandi, Norfaiezah (2016) A qualitative case study on the use of balance scorecard to control performance of a local government-owned water supply company in Indonesia. Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA), 6 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2231-9298

Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Abdul Rahman, Azhar and Tayib, Mohamad (2004) The relationship between corporate social disclosure and Islamic unit trust shareholdings. In: Accounting, Commerce & Finance: The Islamic Perspective, International Conference V, 15-17 June 2004, Brisbane, Australia. (Unpublished)

Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Md Hussain, Md Hairi (2011) The relationship between performance and graphic presentation in Unit Trusts’ Annual Reports: Malaysian evidence. Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA), 1 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2231-9298

Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Yahya, Mohd Azlan and Md Hussain, Md Hairi (2011) The relationship between performance and graphic presentation in unit trusts' annual reports: Malaysian evidence. Journal of Business Management and Accounting, 1 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2231-9298

Mohd Yusof, Mohd Fadil (2010) The usage of internet technology for marketing: Perspectives from local entrepreneurs of the small and medium hotel organizations in Langkawi. In: The First Seminar On: Entrepreneurship and Societal Development in Asean (ISE-SODA 2010) "Achieving Regional Growth through Entrepreneurship Education", 27th February-1st March 2010, City Bayview Hotel Langkawi. ASEAN Universities Consortium of Enterpreneurship Education (AUCEE), pp. 189-201. ISBN 983-2078-36-4

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