Items where Author is "Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati"
Bani-Melhem, Shaker and Zeffane, Rachid and Abukhait, Rawan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2021) Empowerment as a Pivotal Deterrent to Employee Silence: Evidence from the UAE Hotel Sector. Human Performance, 34 (2). pp. 107-125. ISSN 0895-9285
Bani-Melhem, Shaker and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mazen Abukhait, Rawan and Quratulain, Samina (2021) Paranoid personality and frontline employee’s proactive work behaviours: a moderated mediation model of empathetic leadership and perceived psychological safety. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31 (1). pp. 113-135. ISSN 2055-6225
Hassan, Zuraida and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Zain, Md Lazim and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2020) Management commitment and safety training as antecedent of workers safety behavior. International Journal of Supply Chain, Operation Management and Logistics, 1 (2). pp. 12-20. ISSN 2682-8485
Abukhait, Rawan and Bani-Melhem, Shaker and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2019) Do employee resilience, focus on opportunity, and work-related curiosity predict innovative work behaviour? the mediating role of career adaptability. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN 1363-9196
Johari, Johanim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Tan, Fee Yean and Yahya, Khulida Kirana and Adnan, Zurina (2019) Job characteristics, employee well-being, and job performance of public sector employees in Malaysia. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 32 (1). pp. 102-119. ISSN 0951-3558
Hassan, Zuraida and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam (2019) The connection between safety compliance behavior, safety communication and safety standard and procedure: An investigation among workers in malaysian SME's. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 25 (2S). ISSN 1087-9595
Johari, Johanim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Yahya, Khulida Kirana and Tan, Fee Yean and Zainun, Nor Farah Hanis (2018) Integrating the element of Al-Qalb in the institutional leadership competencies framework: a content validity analysis. The Journal of Social Sciences Research (SPI6). pp. 488-493. ISSN 24136670
Ibrahim, Hadziroh and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2018) Understanding user characteristics as antecedents of technostress towards HRMIS: a mixed-method Study. Jurnal Pengurusan, 53. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0127-2713
Alshuaibi, Mohammad Said Ibrahim and Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said Ibrahim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Ahmad Arshad, Darwina (2018) Use of social media, student engagement, and academic performance of business students in Malaysia. International Journal of Educational Management, 32 (4). pp. 625-640. ISSN 0951-354X
Abd Aziz, Norzalita and Najafi, Bita and Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2016) Behavioural consequences of customer perception on emotional labour among airline service employees. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (S7). pp. 162-168. ISSN 2146-4405
Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Abd Aziz, Norzalita (2016) Developing brand ambassadors: the role of brand-centred human resource management. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (S7). pp. 155-161. ISSN 2146-4405
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2016) Organisational trust as a mediator between perceived organisational support and constructive deviance. International Journal of Business and Society, 17 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1511-6670
Mat Saat, Mohd Zaidi and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2016) Research issues in safety performance: a literature review. e-Academia Journal, 5 (2). pp. 143-147. ISSN 2289-6589
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Hassan, Zuraida (2016) Safety management practices and safety compliance in small medium enterprises. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 8 (3). pp. 226-244. ISSN 1757-4323
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Hassan, Zuraida (2016) The influence of safety management practices on safety behavior: a study among manufacturing SMES in Malaysia. International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 5 (4). pp. 148-160. ISSN 2050-7399
Mat Saat, Mohd Zaidi and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2016) A proposed relationship between organizational safety practices and safety performance in the manufacturing of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Sains Humanika, 8 (4-2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 2289-6996
Umar, Talatu Raiya and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Johari, Johanim (2015) Actual voluntary turnover, job embeddedness, pay satisfaction and moderating effect of perceived alternative job opportunities: data screening and preliminary analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5 (10). pp. 175-187. ISSN 2222-6990
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2015) Does self-regulatory efficacy matter? Effects of punishment certainty and punishment severity on organizational deviance. SAGE Open, 5 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2158-2440
Al-Aidaros, Al-Hasan and Md Idris, Kamil and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2015) Similarities and differences between ethical codes of conduct of AICPA and IFAC. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 22 (S). pp. 61-79. ISSN 2232-1608
Al-Shuaibi, Ahmad Sai’d Ibrahim and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2014) The mediating influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between HR practices and cyberdeviance. Journal of Marketing and Management, 5 (1). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2153-9715
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Othman, Zainudin (2014) Using theory of reasoned action to explain taxpayer intention to comply with goods and services tax. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 (5(1)). pp. 131-139. ISSN 2219-1933
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2014) Mediating role of self-regulatory efficacy on the relationship between punishment certainty, punishment severity and organizational deviance. Management Science Letters, 4 (4). pp. 651-658. ISSN 1923-9335
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam (2014) The influence of HR practices and job satisfaction on interpersonal deviance in the workplace. Journal of Management & Organization, 20 (05). pp. 691-709. ISSN 1833-3672
Al-Aidaros, Al-Hasan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Md. Idris, Kamil (2013) Ethics and ethical theories from an Islamic perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 4. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2232-1314
Bambale, Abdu Ja’afaru and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2013) The construct validity of servant leadership in Nigerian public utility organizations. International Journal of Global Business, 6 (2). pp. 16-33. ISSN 2151-7541
Al-Shuaibi, Ahmad Said Ibrahim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2013) Do human resource management practices matter in reducing cyberloafing at work: Evidence from Jordan. Journal of WEI Business and Economics, 2 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2166-7918
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2013) Moderating effect of self-regulatory efficacy on the relationship between organizational formal controls and workplace deviance: A proposed framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 2222-6990
Al-Homayan, Abdullah Mohammad and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Islam, Rabiul (2013) Analysis of health care system - resources and nursing sector in Saudi Arabia. Advances in Environmental Biology, 7 (9). pp. 2584-2592. ISSN 1995 - 0756
Al-Homayan, Abdullah Mohammad and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Islam, Rabiul (2013) Impacts of job demands on nurses' performance working in public hospitals. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (9). pp. 1050-1060. ISSN 1546-9239
Al-Homayan, Abdullah Mohammad and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Islam, Rabiul (2013) Impacts of job performance level on nurses in public sector hospitals. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (9). pp. 1115-1123. ISSN 1546-9239
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2013) Influence of organizational formal control on workplace deviance: A pilot study. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 13 (4). pp. 538-544. ISSN 1990-9233
Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2013) Investigating the influence of job rotation on career development among production workers in Japanese companies. The International Journal of Business and Society (IJBS), 14 (1). pp. 135-148. ISSN 1511 6670
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2013) Modeling the Iinfluence of group norms and self-regulatory efficacy on workplace deviant behaviour. Asian Social Science, 9 (4). pp. 113-122. ISSN 1911-2017
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2013) Self-regulatory efficacy as potential moderator on the relationship between organisational formal controls, perceived group norms and workplace deviance: A proposed framework. Jurnal Teknologi, 64 (2). pp. 33-38. ISSN 0127-9696
Al-Homayan, Abdullah Mohammad and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Islam, Rabiul (2013) The moderating effects of organizational support on the relationship between job stress and nurses’ performance in public sector hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB), 7 (9). pp. 2606-2617. ISSN 1995-0756
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay and Kura, Kabiru Maitama (2012) Self-control as a moderator of the relationship between formal control and workplace deviance: A proposed framework. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 2 (6). pp. 32-39. ISSN 1839 - 0846
Abdu Ja'afaru, Bambale and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chandrakantan, Subramaniam (2012) Servant leadership as employee-organization approach for performance of employee citizenship behaviors in the Nigeria’s electric power sector. Journal of Marketing and Management, 3 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2153-9715
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ahmad Said, Alshuaibi (2012) The effect of HR practices, leadership style on cyberdeviance: The mediating role of organizational commitment. Journal of Marketing and Management, 3 (1). pp. 22-48. ISSN 2153-9715
Bambale, Abdu Ja’afaru and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2012) Clarifying the ambiguity surrounding Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and related behavioral constructs. International Journal in Social Science, Economics & Art (IJSSEA), 2 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2088-5342
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chuttipattana, Nirachon (2012) Determinants of managerial competencies for primary care managers in Southern Thailand. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 26 (2). pp. 258-280. ISSN 1477-7266
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ali, Hassan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2012) Influence of physical ability on initial emergency response performance. Disaster Prevention and Management, 21 (5). pp. 556-571. ISSN 0965-3562
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ali, Hassan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2012) Initial emergency response performance of fire fighters in Malaysia. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 25 (1). pp. 64-73. ISSN 0951-3558
Yeon, Asmah Laili and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2012) Law enforcement in Malaysian securities markets. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM), 1 (5). pp. 20-27. ISSN 2278-487X
Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2012) The mediating effect of cultural intelligence on the relationship between openness personality and job performance among expatriates on international assignments. International Business Management, 6 (5). pp. 601-610. ISSN 1993-5250
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2011) Investigating the influence of human resource practices on deviant behavior at work. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 2 (6). pp. 514-519. ISSN 2010-023X
Bambale, Abdu Ja’afaru and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2011) Stimulating Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) research for theory development: Exploration of leadership paradigms. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 1. pp. 48-69. ISSN 2222-6990
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Md Hashim, Mohd Farid Asraf and Sharif, Zakiyah (2011) Factors influencing students’ intention to use internet for academic purposes. SSRN Electronic Journal, --. 0-27. ISSN 1556-5068
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2011) Wrongful behaviours among manufacturing employees in Malaysia: An exploratory study. SSRN Electronic Journal. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1556-5068
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Shalihen, Mohd Salleh and Mohd Zainudin, Othman (2011) Factors influencing intention to comply with local sales tax in Malaysia. SSRN Electronic Journal. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1556-5068
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2011) HR practices and deviant behavior at work: An exploratory study. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, 16 (2011). pp. 13-17. ISSN 2010-4626
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2011) Linking human resource practices and organisational performance: Evidence from small and medium organisations in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 32 (2011). pp. 27-37. ISSN 0127-2713
Chuttipattana, Nirachon and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Organizational culture as a moderator of the personality-managerial competency relationship: A study of primary care managers in Southern Thailand. Leadership in Health Services, 24 (2). pp. 118-134. ISSN 1751-1879
Bidin, Zainol and Md Hashim, Mohd Farid Asraf and Zakiyah, Sharif and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intent to use the internet for academic purposes. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction , 8 (2011). pp. 139-150. ISSN 1675-8110
Bidin, Zainol and Md Hashim, Mohd Farid Asraf and Sharif, Zakiyah and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intent to use the Internet for academic purposes. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI), 8. pp. 139-150. ISSN 1675-8110
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ali, Hassan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2010) Understanding the antecedents of emergency response: A proposed framework. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19 (5). pp. 571-581. ISSN 0965-3562
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2003) Workplace deviance among hotel employees : an exploratory survey. Malaysian Management Journal, 7 (1). pp. 17-33. ISSN 0128-6226
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2001) Tentangan pekerja: masih relevankah ia? Jelapang, 2 (2). pp. 109-125.
Johari, Johanim and Yahya, Khulida Kirana and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Tan, Fee Yean (2021) Developing Leadership Competencies Framework and Measurement for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) (S/O 13605). Technical Report. UUM. (Submitted)
Hassan, Zuraida and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam (2019) Validating the Safety Culture Model in Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia (S/O: 12365). Technical Report. UUM. (Submitted)
Ali, Hassan and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Ibrahim, Hadziroh and Abd Aziz, Fadzli Shah (2014) Developing workplace injury index (WII) as a measure of safety and health performance in the construction industry in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia Press, Sintok. (Unpublished)
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Ibrahim, Hadziroh and Mad Lazim, Halim and Abd Aziz, Fadzli Shah (2014) Validating Workplace Safety Scale (WSS) and its influence on workplace safety sustainability in the health care sector. Project Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. (Unpublished)
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Md Hashim, Mohd Farid Asraf and Sharif, Zakiyah (2011) Determinants of students' intention to use Internet for academic purposes. Project Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Kayat, Kalsom and Abdul Talib, Asmat Nizam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (1995) Kecenderungan pelancong-pelancong membeli-belah: Kajian kes ke atas pelancong-pelancong Taiwan ke Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. (Unpublished)
Conference or Workshop Item
Alshuaibi, Mohammad Said Ibrahim and Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2015) Exploring the patterns of social media use among business students in Malaysia. In: Asia Pacific Conference on Business and Social Sciences, 23- 24 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur.
Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Alshuaibi, Mohammad Said Ibrahim (2015) Internet misuse at work in Jordan: Challenges and implications. In: 3rd Convention of the World Association of Business Schools (WAiBS) 2015: Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability, 22 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Al-Badi, Said Hamdan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Bachkirov, Alexandre and Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said (2015) Career-related practices and knowledge sharing behavior: A preliminary study in Oman. In: 11th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2015 (AAMC 2015), 2nd - 4th October 2015, Penang, Malaysia.
Umar, Talatu Raiya and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Johari, Johanim (2015) Linking pay satisfaction to actual voluntary turnover: The mediating role of perceived alternative job opportunities. In: 11th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2015 (AAMC 2015), 2nd - 4th October 2015, Penang, Malaysia.
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Bachkirov, Alexandre (2015) Safety behavior at work: The role of safety climate and fear of negative evaluation. In: 29th British Academy of Management 2015, 8 – 10 September 2015, University of Portsmouth, UK. (Unpublished)
Ali, Hassan and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2015) Developing workplace injury index (WII) as a measure of safety and health performance in the construction industry in Malaysia. In: Seoul International Conference on Social Sciences and Management (SICSSAM), January 8-10, 2015, Seoul, Korea.
Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2014) Exploring the theoretical link between characteristics in a job and cyberloafing using job demands-resources theory. In: 13th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of AHRD, 12-14 November 2014, Seoul, Korea. (Unpublished)
Lim, Hui Ling and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Sri Ramalu, Subramaniam (2014) Proposed antecedents of workplace incivility in the service sector. In: International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) 2014, 18-19 August 2014, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Mad Lazim, Halim (2014) Do workplace safety practices influence safety compliance behaviour? Evidence among nurses in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of World Business And Economics Research Conference, 24 - 25 February, 2014, Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand.
Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim and Mad Lazim, Halim (2014) Do workplace safety practices influence safety compliance behaviour? evidence among nurses in Malaysia. In: World Business And Economics Research Conference, 24 - 25 February, 2014, Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand.
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Chauhan, Ajay (2014) Effects of honor codes and classroom justice on students’ deviant behavior. In: International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY 2013), 2nd to 5th October 2013, Antalya, Turkey.
Alanazi, Amer and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Johari, Johanim (2014) Organizational culture and Nitaqat status in Saudi Arabia. In: International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) 2014, 18-19 August 2014, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kura, Kabiru Maitama and Chauhan, Ajay and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2013) Examining the dimensions of workgroup norms construct: A validation study in the Nigerian education context. In: 2nd Applied International Business Conference (AIBC2013), 7 – 8 December 2013, Labuan School of International Business and Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Othman, Zainudin (2012) Applying theory of planned behavior on entrepreneurial intent among Malay accounting students in Malalysia. In: International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business, 2012, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Yeon, Asmah Laili and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Reason for non compliance of license holders towards disclosure-based regulation in Malaysian Securities. In: Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference , 9-11 November 2011, Merdeka Palace Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (Unpublished)
Yeon, Asmah Laili and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Reasons for non compliance of license holders towards disclosure-based regulation in Malaysian securities. In: Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference (APM2C) 2011, 9-11 November 2011, Merdeka Palace Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (Unpublished)
Bidin, Zainol and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Sharif, Zakiyah and Md Hashim, Mohd Farid Asraf (2011) Determinants of students’ internet usage for academic purposes. In: World Business and Social Science Research Conference , 27-28 October 2011 , Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas, USA .
Khdair, Wameedh A. and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan (2011) A proposed relationship between management practices and safety performance in the oil and gas industry in Iraq. In: World Business and Social Science Research Conference , 27-28 October 2011 , Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas, USA .
Al-Aidaros, Al-Hasan and Md. Idris, Kamil and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) The accountants' ethical code of conduct from an Islamic perspective: Case in Yemen. In: 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011), 14-16 March 2011, Holiday Villa Beach Resort and Spa, Langkawi . (Unpublished)
Yeon, Asmah Laili and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2011) Reason for non compliance of license holders towards disclosure-based regulation in Malaysian securities. In: Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, 09-11 November 2011, Sarawak.
Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Subramaniam, Chandrakantan and Ibrahim, Hadziroh (2010) Exploring wrongful behaviors of manufacturing employees in Malaysia. In: 11th Malaysia - Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2010), 25th – 26th November 2010, Bangi, Selangor.
Chutipattana, Nirachon and Sharif, Mohmad Yazam and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2008) Developing a pilot test for an empirical research on managerial competency in Thailand's public health sector. In: 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008, 17-19 August 2008 , Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson. (Unpublished)
Impira, Alim and Yahya, Khulida Kirana and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2008) Assessing service quality in the public sector services in Malaysia. In: The 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008, 17-19 August 2008 , Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson.
Ibrahim, Hadziroh and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati and Mohd Zin, Md. Lazim (2008) Faktor sistem dan kepuasan pengguna terhadap PERSIS: Kajian di kalangan kakitangan pentadbiran (perkeranian) di Universiti Utara Malaysia. In: The 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008, 17-19 August 2008 , Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson. (Unpublished)
Impira, Alim and Yahya, Khulida Kirana and Mohd Shamsudin, Faridahwati (2008) The relationship between job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior. In: The 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008, 17-19 August 2008 , Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson. (Unpublished)