Items where Division is "College of Business" and Year is 2020
Ab Hamid, Siti Ngayesah and Wan Jusoh, Wan Jamaliah and Maulan, Suharni (2020) Corporate Brand Image of Islamic Bank in Malaysia: Antecedents and Consequence. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 49-72. ISSN 2180-2467
Abdul Hamid, Roshayati and Ismail, Md Daud (2020) Penglibatan pelajar universiti dalam membangunkan kemahiran pemikiran kreatif melalui aktiviti kerja berpasukan. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (2). pp. 133-159. ISSN 2180-2467
Abdul Karim, Zulkefly and Nizam, Rosmah and Sarmidi, Tamat and Abdul Rahman, Aisyah (2020) Keterangkuman kewangan dan pertumbuhan firma di Malaysia dan Indonesia: Analisis Regresi Ambang. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 93-121. ISSN 2180-2467
Abdul Rahman, Azizan and Ahmad Zaluki, Nurwati Ashikkin (2020) Pencegahan Penularan Virus Corona (Covid-19) Menurut Perspektif Islam. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 22 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2232-1047
Abdullah, Haim Hilman and Abdualmajed Ali, Gamal and Gorondutse, Abdullahi Hassan (2020) The relationship between TQM and SMEs’ performance: The mediating role of organizational culture. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 69 (1). pp. 61-84. ISSN 1741-0401
Abdullah, Nur Atiqah and Abu Hassan, Norhafizah and Juhdi, Noor Hasni and Mat, Norazila (2020) Pengaruh nilai kerja terhadap tingkah laku kerja inovatif dan kesejahteraan psikologi: Modal psikologi sebagai pengantara. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 123-150. ISSN 2180-2467
Abu Bakar, Nashirah and Uzaki, Kiyotaka and Mohamed Naim, Asmadi and Abd Manaf, Nor Aziah (2020) Intention to implement 5S management among students in higher education institutions. Journal of Economics and Business, 03 (04). pp. 1290-1303. ISSN 26153726
Ahmad Zaluki, Nurwati Ashikkin and Abdul-Rahman, Azizan (2020) Muallaf: Permasalahan dan Cadangan Penyelesaian. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 2 (1). pp. 229-236. ISSN 2682-7530
Ali, Asif and Farooq, Waqas and Khalid, Muhammad Ahsan (2020) The relationship between organizational climate for innovation and innovative work behavior: Mediating role of employee engagement in Pakistan. Malaysian Management Journal, 24. pp. 195-218. ISSN 0128-6226
Ali, Hassan (2020) The efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistan. Malaysian Management Journal, 24. pp. 19-30. ISSN 0128-6226
Applanaidu, Shri Devi and Abidin, Norhaslinda Zainal and Mustapha, Mukhtar and Abdullahi Baba, Mohammed and Joseph, Viandrito (2020) Oil palm smallholder's income and sustainable development goals (SDGs) achievement in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Oil Palm and Palm Oil Research, 1 (1). pp. 11-22. ISSN 2811-4701
Arshad, Rasidah and Nurmaya, Ema (2020) Pelanggaran dan pencabulan kontrak psikologi serta kesannya terhadap tingkah laku devian di tempat kerja. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 73-91. ISSN 2180-2467
Ismail, Azman and Abdin, Fatmawati and Muhamad, Nur Sa’adah and Mohamad Nor, Azmawaty (2020) Effect of Perceived Fairness in Pay System on Work-Related Attitudes. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2180-2467
Kaukab, M. Elfan and Aryanto, Vincent Didiek Wiet (2020) Foreign direct investment and the performance of Indonesian marketplace e-commerce corporation: An application of network, ownership, location, and internalisation framework. Malaysian Management Journal, 24. pp. 219-236. ISSN 0128-6226
Ling, Meng Chan and Ying, Yin Koay and Chia, Guan Keh and Siu, Eng Tang and Yan, Teng Tan (2020) Can the "Tax the Rich, Subsidise the Poor" Policy Improve Financial Satisfaction among Malaysians? International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 21-47. ISSN 2180-2467
Rajput, Amer and Batool, Saba and Ahmad Khan, Faheem (2020) Brand Love Among Female Consumers for Fashion Clothing. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2180-2467
Saleem, Hassan Mujtaba Nawaz and Ahmad Zaluki, Nurwati Ashikkin (2020) Government Political Orientation and Listed Stocks’ Return: Experiences from Pakistani Agri-Tractor Manufacturer Companies. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 66-83. ISSN 2226-3624
Saleem, Hassan Mujtaba Nawaz and Ahmad Zaluki, Nurwati Ashikkin (2020) Stock Returns’ Behavior in Different Power Regimes: An Exploratory Data Analysis of Agri-Tractor Manufacturers. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 66-84. ISSN 2225-8329
Suleiman, Salami (2020) Females in governance and corporate tax avoidance: The moderating effect of accounting conservatism. Malaysian Management Journal, 24. pp. 165-193. ISSN 0128-6226
Yoon, David Kin Tong and Xue, Fa Tong and Balakrishnan, Kavitha and Luo, Shiwen (2020) Job Seekers' Acceptance Towards Producing Video Resumes for Company's Recruitment. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 27 (2). pp. 97-132. ISSN 2180-2467