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Items where Author is "Ayub, Zainal Amin"

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Number of items: 113.


Labanieh, Mohamad Fateh and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2024) E-Arbitral in Malaysia: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. UUM Journal of Legal Studies (UUMJLS), 15 (2). pp. 409-444. ISSN 2229-984X

Abdul Hadi, Khairul Anuar and Abdul Rahman, Rohana and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2024) Freedom Of Information in Malaysia: International Legal Instruments and Restrictions Under National Law. UUM Journal of Legal Studies (UUMJLS), 15 (1). pp. 221-247. ISSN 2229-984X

Permadi, Iwan and Maharani, Diah Pawestri and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2023) Averting Deforestation: Designing the Model of a Public Participation-Based Environmental Agreement of Shifting Functionality of Forest. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, 8 (2). pp. 707-752. ISSN 2548-1584

Mutawalli, Muhammad and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Maskun, M. and Napang, Marthen (2023) The Conference of Parties - 27 (COP-27) Agreement as an Instrument of State Policy in Handling Deforestation: A Comparative Study of Sweden and Indonesian Governments. Law Reform: Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum, 19 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1858-4810

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Dinata, Ari Wirya and Budi Ambarini, Nur Sulistyo and Susanti, Pipi and Elcaputera, Arie (2023) Freedom Of Religion And Belief Under Supreme Court Verdict Study Case On Supreme Court Decision Number 17/P/HUM/2021. Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, 12 (1). pp. 1-28. ISSN 2303-3274

Ghani, Abdul and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mat Rus, Mukhriz (2023) Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: An Investigation of Factors Causing Backlog of Criminal Cases in Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 15 (3). pp. 115-133. ISSN 2074-2738

Mutawalli, Muhammad and M., Maskun and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Tajuddin, Muhammad Saleh and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2023) Legislative Elections: an Overview of Closed Proportional System. PETITA: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah, 8 (2). pp. 93-103. ISSN 2502-8006

Muslim, Shohib and Hadiyantina, Shinta and Mundzir, Hudriyah and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2023) The Meaning of “Strength Executive" in the Constitutional Court Decision for the Execution of Fiduciary Securities. Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum, 31 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0854-6509

Ghani, Abdullah and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mat Rus, Mukhriz (2023) Miscarriage of Justice and Backlog of Criminal Cases: A Case Study of Punjab Pakistan’s Courts From (January 01, 2022 To December 31, 2022). Journal of Namibian Studies - History Politics Culture, 34 (51). pp. 1494-1512. ISSN 1863-5954

Mutawalli, Muhammad and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Amah, Emmanuel Ibiam (2023) Polemic on the Dissolution of Ministries: an Overview of the Presidential System in Indonesia. Jurnal Litigasi, 24 (2). pp. 322-354. ISSN 2442-2274

Palullungan, Liberthin and Lumentut, Lisma and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2023) Reconstruction of the Vice Regent’s Position In Optimization of Regional Autonomy: Realizing Democratic and Justice Values. Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan, 11 (2). pp. 282-291. ISSN 2303-3827

Mutawalli, Muhammad and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Faga, Hemen Philip (2023) Revitalizing Political Parties in Indonesia: Dissecting Patronage-Clientelism Dynamics visà-vis Political Representation. Jurnal Mengkaji Indonesia, 2 (2). pp. 301-326. ISSN 2963-3451

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Md. Zan, Zainal and Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri (2022) Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission: Whither Is It Bound? BiLD Law Journal, 7 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2518-6523

Haq, Md Zahurul and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Khan, Md Abdul Awal (2022) Factors Influencing Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Approaches Towards Casinos and Cryptocurrencies in Bangladesh. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 25 (2). pp. 445-454. ISSN 1368-5201

Ghani, Abdul and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mat Rus, Mukhriz (2022) Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Addressing Problem of Criminal Investigation in Pakistan. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 15 (3). pp. 1193-1208. ISSN 2029-0454

Alsahlanee, Ali Sadik Thajb and Mohd. Anuar, Haslinda and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2022) Legal Fragmentation Of Iraqis Forest Legislations, A Case Study Of Adoption The Forest Management Under United Nation Framework Convention Of Climatic Change (UNFCCC) And Biological Diversity (UNCBD). Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (6). pp. 4681-4689. ISSN 2717-7564

Wahyudi, Dicky and Sujoko, Anang and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2022) The Presumption of Innocence: Interpretation and Application in Online Journalism. Informasi, 52 (2). pp. 215-230. ISSN 0126-0650

Hadiyantina, Shinta and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Cahyandari, Dewi and Paramitha, Amelia Ayu and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2022) Transborder data flows: Protection of medical tourist personal data in Malaysia and Indonesia. Journal of International Studies (JIS), 18. pp. 269-291. ISSN 1823-691X

Muhammad Azman Ng, Noratikah and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Rahman, Rohana (2022) The legal aspect of illicit enrichment in Malaysia: Is it a crime to be rich? UUM Journal of Legal Studies (UUMJLS), 13 (2). pp. 267-293. ISSN 2229-984X

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Hashim, Fazlini (2021) Blended Learning in Substantive and Procedural Law Modules: Malaysia’s Experience. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 54 (12). pp. 79-91. ISSN 0493-2137

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2021) An Overview of Online Civil Society & Anti-Fake News Law From Legal and Islamic Perspectives. Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 54 (12). pp. 20-33. ISSN 0493-2137

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Md. Zan, Zainal and Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri (2021) Policing the Police in Malaysia: Comparative Views. Central Asia and the Caucasus, 22 (5). pp. 1004-1015. ISSN 1404-6091

Mohd, Elina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2020) Administrative and Enforcement Issues in Collecting Assessment Rate Arrears in Local Authorities in Malaysia. Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 13 (11). pp. 947-957. ISSN 2165-6258

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Haq, Md Zahurul (2020) Legal Framework on Protection of Children Against Cyberbully in Malaysia: A Cause of Great Concern. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (8). pp. 143-154. ISSN 2005-4238

Haq, Md Zahurul and Alam, A. S. A. Ferdous and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Farzana, Kazi Fahmida (2020) Reaching an Agreement for the Elimination of Child Labour from the Supply Chains. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (5). pp. 1392-1402. ISSN 2051-3771

Thajb, Ali Sadik and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2019) The Environmental Regimes Fragmentation: Towered Legal Taxonomy. Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 8 (2). pp. 301-312. ISSN 2165-6258

Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2019) Privasi di Tempat Kerja: Tinjauan Dari Sudut Perundangan di Malaysia. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 31 (1). pp. 55-84. ISSN 0128-2670

Mohd, Elina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2018) The Challenges of Local Authority in Malaysia in Assessment Rate Arrears Collection. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 3 (13). pp. 34-43. ISSN 0128-1763

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Yeon, Asmah Laili (2018) Democratic process in Malaysia: the future of Malaysia electoral system. Man In India, 97 (24-II). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0025-1569

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2018) Harmonization of Asean Laws on Protection of Migrant Workers Against Human Trafficking. University of Bengkulu Law Journal, 3 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2541-1926

Mohd, Elina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2018) Limitation Period For The Recovery Of Arrears Of Assessment Rates: Revisiting The Decision In Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang v. Tropiland Sdn Bhd. Current Law Journal, 3. i-viii. ISSN 0127-0699

Mohd, Elina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2018) Regulatory Barriers in Collecting Assessment Rates Arrears of Local Authorities in Malaysia. Journal of Social Science Research, 6 (1). pp. 1049-1055. ISSN 2321-1091

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2018) Right of online informational privacy of children in Malaysia: a statutory perspective. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 9. pp. 221-241. ISSN 2229-984X

Mohd, Elina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2018) The challenges of local authority in Malaysia in assessment rates arrears collection. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 3 (13). pp. 34-43. ISSN 0128-1763

Muhammad Azman Ng, Noratikah and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2018) The illicit enrichment law and financial disclosure system in Malaysia. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 3 (13). pp. 331-341. ISSN 0128-1763

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2018) The online social network era: are the children protected in Malaysia? The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. pp. 403-414. ISSN 23571330

Ibrahim, Salim and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2018) The role of league of nations, and the international labour organization in the abolition of slavery. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 3 (7). pp. 117-126. ISSN 0128-1763

Ibrahim, Salim and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2018) The role of league of nations, and the international labour organization in the abolition of slavery. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 3 (7). pp. 117-126. ISSN 0128-1763

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Yeon, Asmah Laili (2017) Democratic Process in Malaysia: the Future of Malaysian Electoral System. Man In India, 97 (24). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0025-1569

Arshad, Rozita and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Azhar, Alias (2017) Factors Influencing Youth Participation in Decision Making in Malaysia. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (9). pp. 8736-8739. ISSN 1816-949X

Aziz, Zana Ismael and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed, Khadijah (2017) The Legal Challenges of International Electronic Contracts in Iraq. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5 (2). pp. 57-72. ISSN 2413- 6670

Ali, Salim Ibrahim and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2017) Legal Research of Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 4 (1). pp. 493-495. ISSN 2394-9333

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Yeon, Asmah Laili (2017) Relevance of the current electoral system in Malaysia: time for change? International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS), 9 (4). pp. 83-90. ISSN 1944-6934

Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Arshad, Rozita and Azhar, Alias and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2017) Tadbir Urus dan Pembangunan Belia: Pengalaman Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung. Journal on Leadership & Policy (JLP), 2 (1). pp. 83-97. ISSN 0127-0869

Abu-Morad, Mohannad Ahmad and Mohd Noor, Fauziah and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) The shortcomings of the income and asset declaration system in Jordan illicit enrichment law. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 2 (1). pp. 98-110. ISSN 2462-1714

Abu-Morad, Mohannad Ahmad and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Noor, Fauziah (2016) The law on the illicit enrichment crime and financial disclosure in Jordan: issue of effectiveness and enforceability. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2 (5). pp. 100-105. ISSN 2413-6670

Jassam, Tariq Hussein and Azmi, Ruzita and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) The right to compensation for victims of armed conflicts. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 21 (1). pp. 86-94. ISSN 2279-0837

Abu-Morad, Mohannad Ahmad and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohd Noor, Fauziah (2016) Burden of proof and presumption of innocence in the prosecution of illicit enrichment with reference to the Jordanian legislation. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 49. pp. 25-29. ISSN 2224-3240

Aziz, Zana Ismael and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed, Khadijah (2016) Consumer protection in e-commerce: Some notes on the Iraqi Electronic Signature and Transactions Act. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 4 (9). pp. 473-480. ISSN 2321-1784

Badarulzaman, Muhammad Hafiz and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2016) Discrimination against migrant workers in Malaysia. Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, 28 (3). pp. 556-568. ISSN 2443-0994

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Arshad, Rozita (2016) Employment for People with Disability: Some Findings on the Policy and Implementation. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (S8). pp. 327-332. ISSN 2146-4405

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Arshad, Rozita (2016) Employment for People with Disability: Some Findings on the Policy and Implementation. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (8). pp. 327-332. ISSN 2146-4405

Azhar, Alias and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Arshad, Rozita (2016) Kesedaran Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) terhadap Akta Pertubuhan Belia dan Pembangunan Belia 2007: Satu Analisa. Journal on Leadership & Policy (JLP), 1. pp. 49-65. ISSN 0127-0869

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Md Desa, Md Rejab and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2016) Legal education in Malaysia: should law teacher practice as lawyer? The Social Sciences, 11 (23). pp. 5631-5637. ISSN 1818-5800

Yeon, Asmah Laili and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Azhar, Alias and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Arshad, Rozita (2016) Malaysian law of youth development in global challenges. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 7. pp. 71-81. ISSN 2229-984X

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) Persons with Disabilities Act 2008: the economic promises for people with disabilities? International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6 (S7). pp. 313-319. ISSN 2146-4138

Azhar, Alias and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Arshad, Rozita (2016) Protection of youth rights: the role of Human Right Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM). Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 11 (12). pp. 1534-1538. ISSN 2040-7459

Nafees, Seeni Mohamed and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) Resolution of Islamic banking disputes by way of arbitration in Sri Lanka. Arab Law Quarterly, 30 (4). pp. 305-335. ISSN 0268-0556

Yeon, Asmah Laili and Azhar, Alias and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Arshad, Rozita and Suhaimi, Safiah (2016) Youth awareness on youth development law. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (S7). pp. 277-281. ISSN 2146-4405

Yeon, Asmah Laili and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Arshad, Rozita and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Azhar, Alias and Suhaimi, Safiah (2016) Youth knowledge on the law of youth development in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 6 (5). pp. 336-340. ISSN 2010-3646

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Masum, Ahmad and Salman, Mohamed (2016) The impact of international terrorism on the right to personal security in Iraq after 2003. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 7. pp. 12-23. ISSN 2229-984X

Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Arshad, Rozita and Azhar, Alias and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2015) Governance and Youth Development: Experiences of the Village Development and Security Committees. Journal of Governance and Development (JGD), 11 (1). pp. 97-111. ISSN 2289-4756

Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Arshad, Rozita and Azhar, Alias and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2015) Governance and youth development: Experiences of the village development and security committees. Journal of Governance and Development, 11 (1). pp. 97-111. ISSN 2289-4756

Abdul Rahman, Rohana and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Hj. Ahmad Shariff, Nurretina and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2015) The Law on Presumption in Corruption Cases in Malaysia. International Journal on Graft and Corruption Research, 2. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2362-7476

Lilienthal, Gary and Ahmad, Nehaluddin and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2015) Policy Consideration for the Legality of Surrogacy. Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland, 21 (2). pp. 88-102. ISSN 1393-1792

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2015) Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence and Privacy Issues in Malaysia. Current Law Journal, 1. lviii-lxiv. ISSN 0127-0699

Azhar, Alias and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Arshad, Rozita (2015) Sumber Pengetahuan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) Berkaitan Akta Pertubuhan Belia san Pembangunan Belia 2007: Satu Analisa. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (2). pp. 126-134. ISSN 2462-1714

Jassam, Tariq Hussein and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Azmi, Ruzita (2015) The violation of human rights in Iraq during the United States’ occupation: revisited. The Social Sciences, 10 (7). pp. 1687-1695. ISSN 1818-5800

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Jaafar, Hirwan Jasbir (2014) Legal and Institutional Framework for Persons With Disabilities in Malaysia. Current Law Journal, 1. pp. 84-100. ISSN 0127-0699

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Halim, Fairol (2009) Marketing and online advertisement: An overview of legal implication in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, 10 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 1511-6670

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Azrae, Ahmad Nasyran (2009) Separate legal entity under Syariah law and its application on Islamic banking in Malaysia: A note. International Journal of Banking and Finance, 6 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1675-7227

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2007) Hak Privasi Dari Perspektif Perundangan Islam. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 19 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0128-2670

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Hussain, Mohammad Azam and Hj. Ahmad Shariff, Nurretina and Ali, Hassan (2007) Harmonizing Civil Litigation with Syariah Litigation in Islamic Banking: Malaysian Experience. Current Law Journal, 2. ix-xxxvi. ISSN 0127-0699

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2007) Leave Me Alone!': Syariah V Civil Law. The Malayan law journal, 6. xcix-cxxiii. ISSN 0025-1283

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina (2007) Malaysian Electronic Commerce Act 2006 and EU directives: Consumer protection perspectives. REKAYASA – Journal of Ethics, Legal and Governance, 3. pp. 68-76. ISSN 1823-7169

Hj Ahmad Shariff, Nurretina and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2003) Unconscionable Contracts: The Courts’ Approach Towards Substantive Fairness. The Malayan law journal, 4. clxv-clxxvii. ISSN 0025-1283

Book Section

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2017) Employment Right of Persons with Disabilities in Malaysia. In: Social Interactions and Networking in Cyber Society. Springer, Singapore, pp. 217-232. ISBN 978-981-10-4189-1

Chang, Da Wan and Ismail, Russayani and Yew, Meng Lai and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad, Abdul Razak (2016) Islamic Republic of Iran. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Exploring Regional and Country Specific Potentials . Springer, Singapore, pp. 87-105. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Ismail, Russayani and Yew, Meng Lai and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad, Abdul Razak and Chang, Da Wan (2016) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Springer, Singapore, pp. 127-146. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Ahmad, Abdul Razaq and Chang, Da Wan and Ismail, Russayani and Yew, Meng Lai and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) Reflections and the way forward. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Springer, Singapore, pp. 147-155. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Yew, Meng Lai and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad, Abdul Razaq and Chang, Da Wan and Ismail, Russayani (2016) Republic of Tunisia. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Springer, Singapore, pp. 61-86. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad, Abdul Razaq and Chang, Da Wan and Ismail, Russayani and Yew, Meng Lai (2016) State of Libya. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Springer, Singapore, pp. 107-126. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Ahmad, Abdul Razaq and Chang, Da Wan and Ismail, Russayani and Lai, Yew Meng and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) State of Palestine. In: Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Springer, Singapore, pp. 41-60. ISBN 978-981-10-1054-5

Jaafar, Hirwan Jasbir and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Yaacob, Nurli and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2015) Employment scenario for persons with disabilities through Person with Disabilities Act of 2008. In: Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management. CRC Press, pp. 189-193. ISBN 978-1-138-02876-0

Azrae, Ahmad Nasyran and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2009) Living a corporate lifestyle: The application of 'body corporate' under Islamic institutions in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Corporate Law (ICCL) 2009 1st - 3rd June 2009, Surabaya, Indonesia. UUM COLGIS Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789832078340

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2008) Workplace privacy in Malaysia: A legal comparison. In: Book of readings issues on Quality of Work Life (QWL). Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, pp. 121-137. ISBN 9789833827626

Ali, Hassan and Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Hussain, Mohammad Azam and Abd Aziz, Ahmad Shamsul (2007) Harmonizing civil litigation with syariah litigation in Islamic banking: The views of syariah lawyer. In: Islamic Finance: The challenges ahead. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, pp. 83-103. ISBN 9789833455829

Abd Aziz, Ahmad Shamsul and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2004) Usahawan industri dan sederhana (IKS) pelancongan: Menangani isu-isu perundangan terkini. In: Keusahawanan pelancongan potensi & isu-isu semasa. Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, pp. 11-18. ISBN 9832870712


Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina and Ali, Hassan and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Hussain, Mohammad Azam and Abd Aziz, Ahmad Shamsul (2006) Pengharmonian litigasi sivil dengan litigasi syariah dalam perbankan Islam: Pandangan pengamal undang-undang syariah dan badan penasihat syariah. Project Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Labanieh, Mohamad Fateh and Abdul Wahab, Harlida (2024) A Legislative Analysis of Malaysian Legal System on Search and Seizure Procedure of Digital Evidence. In: 12th UUM International Legal Conference 2023 (UUMILC 2023), 23-24 August 2023, School of Law College of Law, Government and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri and Ahmad Apandi, Laila Suriya and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Wallang, Muslimin and Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Sagena, Uni W and Darus @ Mat Junus, Mariah (2023) The Awareness of Rotu Program: Whether is it Bound on Patriotism? In: Strengthening Governance, Enhancing Integrity and Navigating Communication for Future Resilient Growth, 1-2 March, 2023, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.

Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri and Ahmad Apandi, Laila Suriya and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Wallang, Muslimin and Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Sagena, Uni W and Darus @ Md Junus, Mariah (2023) ROTU's Perspective on Cyber-Security in Malaysia: Balancing Awareness and Security Threats. In: Strengthening Governance, Enhancing Integrity and Navigating Communication for Future Resilient Growth, 1-2 March, 2023, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.

Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri and Ahmad Apandi, Laila Suriya and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Wallang, Muslimin and Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Sagena, Uni W (2022) HANRUH: The Malaysia’s Total Defence Policy from the Perspective of Reserve Officer Training Unit. In: International Conference on International Studies (ICIS2022), 15-16 November 2022, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.

Hadiyantina, Shinta and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Cahyandari, Dewi and Paramitha, Amelia Ayu and Chandra, Jeremya (2022) The Impact of Losing Personal Medical Records seen from Several Aspects of Life in America and Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference on Green Engineering & Technology 2022 (ICONGETECH 2022), 17–18 November 2022, Arau, Malaysia.

Labanieh, Mohamad Fateh and Hussain, Mohammad Azam and Abdul Rahman, Rohana and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2022) Intelligent Electronic Arbitration: A Blockchain-Based Model. In: National Innovation and Invention Competition (NIICe) 2022, 22 Ogos 2022, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Md. Zan, Zainal and Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri (2022) The Malaysian Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission: A Study on The Perspectives of The Royal Malaysian Customs Department. In: 4th International Conference on Green Engineering and Technology 2022, IConGETech 2022, 17–18 November 2022, Arau, Malaysia.

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Abdul Rahman, Rohana (2022) Overview Of Challenges in Drafting ICT Contract. In: Proceedings: Seminar on Law and Society 2022 (SOLAS VI), Theme: "Sustainability In Society: Legal Response", 8 & 9 November 2022, UUM Sintok, Kedah.

Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri and Ahmad Apandi, Laila Suriya and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Wallang, Muslimin and Saad, Ram Al Jaffri and Sagena, Uni W. (2022) The Reserve Officer Training Unit and Soft Skills. In: International Conference on International Studies (ICIS2022), 15-16 November 2022,, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.

Md. Zan, Zainal and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri (2021) Integriti Pegawai Penguatkuasa Ke Arah Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG) 16: Keamanan, Keadilan dan Institusi yang Kukuh. In: SOIS Conference on Contemporary Global Studies 2021 (CCGS 2021), 12/08/2021 - 12/09/2021, Online School of International Studies (SOIS), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Shariffuddin, Mohd Dino Khairri and Ahmad Apandi, Laila Suriya and Ahmad, Mohamad Zaki and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2020) The Role of Askar Wataniah-Reserve Officer Training Unit as an Actor of National Defence. In: The 8th International Conference on International Studies (ICIS) 2020, 12/05/2020 - 12/06/2020, School of International Studies (SoIS), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati (2017) Protection of children's online privacy in Malaysia. In: Sintok International Conference on Social Science and Management (SICONSEM 2017), 5 December 2017, Adya Hotel, Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia...

Suhaimi, Safiah and Abdullah, Siti Alida John and Arshad, Rozita and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Azhar, Alias and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2016) Penyertaan belia dalam pembuatan keputusan melahirkan kemahiran kepimpinan. In: International Conference on Government & Public Affairs 2016 (ICOGPA2016), October 5th - 6th, 2016, School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.

Mahmood, Mohammed Salman and Masum, Ahmad and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2014) The impact of international terrorism on the right to life in Iraq after 2003. In: UUM International Conference on Governance 2014 (ICG), 29th - 30th November 2014, Flamingo Hotel By The Beach, Pulau Pinang.

Abdul Rahman, Rohana and Yeon, Asmah Laili and Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina (2014) Kajian tinjauan tren dan pelaksanaan undang-undang rasuah di Malaysia. In: UUM International Conference on Governance 2014 (ICG), 29th - 30th November 2014, Flamingo Hotel By The Beach, Pulau Pinang.

Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Arshad, Rozita and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2013) Employment of Persons with Disabilities: Law and Policy. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Ke-3, 2 & 3 July 2013, EDC Hotel, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah.

Ayub, Zainal Amin (2013) Illegally Obtained Digital Evidence and the New Section 116b of the Criminal Procedure Code – Compatibility with the Principle of Fairness. In: The 7th UUM International Legal Conference 2013, 13-14 November 2013, Quality Hotel City Centre.

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Abdul Rahman, Rohana and Md Ismail, Che Thalbi and A. Rahman, Aspalella and Mohamed, Khadijah and Mohd Anuar, Haslinda (2013) Tinjauan Kerangka Perundangan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. In: The 7th UUM International Legal Conference 2013, 13-14 November 2013, Quality Hotel City Centre.

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina (2007) Malaysian Electronic Commerce Act 2006 and EU directives: A comparison. In: Asia Pacific Marketing Conference 2007, 2-3 November 2007, Kuching, Sarawak.

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Mohamed Yusoff, Zuryati and Halim, Fairol (2007) Marketing and online advertisement: An overview of legal implication in Malaysia. In: Asia Pacific Marketing Conference 2007, 2-3 November 2007, Kuching, Sarawak.

Azrae, Ahmad Nasyran and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2007) Undang-undang Anti-Monopli Dalam Menangani Cabaran Globalisasi. In: Prosiding Persidangan Undang-undang 2007, 18-20 April 2007, EDC-UUM.

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Ahmad Sharif, Nurretina (2004) Computer-produced documents in civil cases: Malaysian position. In: International Conference: An Enterprise Odyssey, Jun 17 - Jun 19, 2004, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business. (Unpublished)

Abd Aziz, Ahmad Shamsul and Ayub, Zainal Amin (2002) Usahawan IKS pelancongan: Menangani isu-isu perundangan terkini. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Keusahawanan Pelancongan , 17-18 Ogos 2002 , Awana Porto Malai, Langkawi. (Unpublished)

Ayub, Zainal Amin and Abd Aziz, Ahmad Shamsul (2002) E-dagang: Tinjauan isu-isu perundangan di Malaysia. In: First International Business Seminar 2002, 29-30 June 2002, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

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